Oggi mousse di fragole!
Il dolce perfetto per l'estate, ecco la ricetta
Fragole 250 gr
Panna 150 gr
Albume 1
Zucchero 2 cucchiai
Succo di limone 1 cucchiaino
Frullate le fragole, montate poi l'albume e la panna separatamente. Aggiungete tutto alle fragole, poi per ultimo zucchero e succo di limone. Versate il composto nei bicchieri e fate raffreddare in frigo. Guarnite con fragole intere.
Strawberry mousse today!
The perfect sweet for this summer, here is the recipe
Strawberries 250 gr
Cream 150 gr
Egg white 1
Sugar 2 tablespoon
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Blend strawberries, then whip cream and the egg white separately. Add all the strawberries, at least sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mixture into jars and let cool in refrigerator. Garnish with whole strawberries.
Per l'outfit maglia in cotone di MaxMara, jeans fragola 7forallmankind, tracolla in vernice fuxia Marc by Marc Jacobs, decollete suede Brian Atwood,bracciale vintage, e immancabile smalto in tinta OPI.
For the outfit cotton sweater by MaxMara, strawberry denim 7forallmankind, fuchsia patent bag leather Marc by Marc Jacobs, Brian Atwood suede shoes, vintage bracelet and OPI Nail Polish ( my masterpiece!)
Wow those drinks looks delicious!!!Thank you for sharing. I'm having a pastel bracelet giveaway on my blog would love for you to pass by and enter!
sembrano deliziosiiii gnamm!!
RispondiEliminami piacciono molto i pantaloni fragola e il bracciale!!:)
what a cute blog! let's follow each other! xx
RispondiEliminammmm yummy, i love love love strawberries!!!!
RispondiEliminaby the way i tagged you here, have a look: http://homesweetbakery.blogspot.co.at/2013/01/11-x-2-im-tagging-you.html
see you :D